Echuca Moama Basketball Association
powered by TidyHQUnder 14 Boys EAST & WEST Division Summer 2024/25 Domestic Teams
Under 14 Boys EAST & WEST Division Summer 2024/25 Domestic Teams
Welcome everyone to the Summer 2024/25 Basketball Season. We are excited to have Moama Bowling Club as our principle partner for the Junior Domestic Season.
Please see below the teams for the Summer 2024/25 Season.
We have designated Age Group Coordinators for this season. These volunteers will be accessible during game time for any queries about the season/teams. They will also be in charge of grading teams and making sure we can get them as even as possible. Please note that teams can be changed at the discretion of the committee at any point during the season.
The link that is under each team name is for you to register your player to THEIR TEAM. If you are due for Insurance (paid yearly) you will be prompted to pay this when registering. This needs to be done by week 2.
Your Age Group Coordinator is: Shaun Brewis & Raych Colless
The first 3 weeks of the season is for grading. Teams will change in this time to ensure that we have the most even teams that we can for the Summer Competition. Please let your children know that there will be changes to teams. Please keep an eye on Facebook for these changes.
Don’t forget to bring your $20 CASH for the first round so we can give you your singlet. At the end of the season when singlets are returned you will receive your $20 back.
We thank all of our volunteer coaches. Each coach will be provided with our domestic coaching policy guidelines. Please ensure that you read the document and ask any questions you may have. Your age group coordinator will be able to offer you tips about subbing and rotating players to ensure that all athletes are enjoying domestic basketball. Any team that does not have a coach, we would love to hear from some parents/carers that would like to assist our young players.
Have a great season!
Coach: Michael Gibson | Coach: Shane Roberts | Coach: Carly Fleming |
James Farrell | Lincoln Cleathero | Edward Eade |
Rhylee Chandler | Chace Fitzpatrick | Kade Fleming |
James Cox | Cash Glanville | Brock Harman |
Nate Gibson | Rafael Hildebrand | Jobe Hosking |
Thomas Lister | Archee Marsh | Jaxon McCoy |
Roby McKee | Noah Morgan | Ned O'Neale |
Hunter Randall | Wil Roberts | Huntah Spicer |
Billie Wakefield | Clinton McKee | Henry Williams |
Link to register | Link to register | Link to register |
https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-cd6f4325 | https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-06fb87ac | https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-8a78b22b |
Coach: Vanessa Frazer | Coach: Jason Scott |
Nash Biddiscombe | Daniel Brown |
Cruiz Armstrong | Henry Holmfield |
Patrick Frazer | Alex Maddison |
Riley Henger | Harry Rennie |
Nate Leo | Arlo Scott |
James Potter | Ryder Suckling |
Ryan Strahan | Max Toranto |
Nate Michael | Sam Whan |
Link to register | Link to register |
https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-f75b3c94 | https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-57e59511 |
Coach: Craig Spiers | Coach: Lisa Baker | Coach: Shaun Brewis |
Tom Arthurson | Atley Bookham | Max Atkins |
Murphy Carter | Logan Farrar | Will Ayson |
Xander Eldridge | Alfie Lloyd | Albie Brewis |
Thomas Gretgrix | Kai Maddox | Ashton Demonteverde |
Xavier Mai | Jordon Moodie | Lachlan Finn |
Durrant McRae | Tom Reynolds | Max Gill |
Riley Mills | Ollie Wallis | Ryder Retallick |
Boa Spiers | Max Williams | Levi Vredenburg |
Link to register | Link to register | Link to register |
https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-71b6f750 | https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-a94fdc0c | https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-c8d4af76 |
Coach: Jo Morgan | Coach: Rach Colless & Leonie Canham | Coach: Tiff Haw |
River Best | Finn Addicott | Daine Bajowski |
Ned Crellin | Ged Canham | Heath Clarke |
Lochy Field | Hunter Colless | Luca Griffiths |
Billy Quirk | Jaxon Key | Murphy Hazelman |
Charlie Hearn | Luca Micalizzi | Max Walker |
Judd Morgan | Hugh Napier | Oliver Phyland |
Jack Ridge | Jedd Pickford | Brandt Haw |
Chase Rowe | Hudson Wickham | Archie Watson |
Link to register | Link to register | Link to register |
https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-214b9faf | https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-62958ec3 | https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/7b1ce5-3470af17 |