Under 17 Boys Winter 2024 Season (Murray & Campaspe)

Welcome everyone to the Winter 2024 Basketball Season. We are excited to have the Moama Bowling Club on board as our official sponsor and we have NEW domestic uniforms!!! 

Please see below the teams for the Winter 2024 Season.

We have designated Age Group Co-Ordinators for this season. These volunteers will be accessible during game time for any queries about the season/teams. They will also be in charge of grading teams and making sure we can get them as even as possible.

Your Age Group co-Ordinator is: Kaine Anderson & Emma Delmenico 

The first 3 weeks of the season is for grading. Teams will change in this time to ensure that we have the most even teams that we can for the Winter Competition. Please keep an eye on facebook for these changes. 

Don’t forget to bring your $20 CASH for the first round so we can give you your singlet. At the end of the season when singlets are returned you will receive your $20 back.

Any team that does not have a coach, we would love to hear from some parents/carers that would like to assist our young players.


36ers – Coach TBC

76ers – Kaine Anderson

BREAKERS – Craig Canham 

George Allan

Kai Anderson

Gus Arthurson

Jackson Butterworth

Keoni Anderson

Arley Canham

Yarran Jones

Xave Bryant

Jye Field

Beau Kennedy-Maddison

Lynkoln Richardson

Finn McPherson

Patrick Oliver

River Sims

Charlie O’Toole

Curtis Foran

Xan Spiers 

Zac Somerville





BULLETS – Wayne Spring


LAKERS – Griffo


Henry Bell

Lenny Clyne

Lincoln Dowdell

Dhara Canham

Jaxon Elso

Notch Earl Espiritu

Jake Edwards

Will Hatfield

Jai Hutson

Van Lowry

Mitch Nagle 

Jim Hipwell

Nate Ludlow 

Ryan McRae

Ollie Spring

Jack Millar

Jett Milligan

Ted Voss

Jack Oliver

Bodhi Grffiths





CLIPPERS  – Wayne Phyland

BUCKS – Brad Gotch

Patrick Reid

Bill Hipwell

Cyrhil Cunanan

Charlie Gotch  

Lachlan Farley 

Jed Carnegie   

Ben McRae 

David Pandiwidan

Jude Phyland  

Toby Phyland

Charlie Sutton  

Michael Williams 

Will Coghill  



CELTICS – Coach Justin Bennett



James Middleton

Levi Edmunds


Levi Duchatel

Franc Naval


Charlie Jones

Tyson Stevens


Darby Pollock

Zachary Dentler


Toby Chivers

Lachlan Keillor


Jonah Hunter

Layne Trevena


Harry Bryan  John Francis Lao 


Tyrone Irving  Akapan Sawatdee



SUNS – Coach Joel & Casey McGillvray

MAGIC – Paul

Tyler Cox

Jett Miller

Blake Johns

Charlie Rennie

Atticus Prust

Jayden Ventura

Xander Griffiths

Brandon Hall Rosendale

Jett Huddle

Diesel Bourke 

Abe McGillivray

Armand Berthaume

River Townsend 


Braith Gow 

Kaiden Peace